My Journey into the World of Amateur Radio

My journey into the fascinating world of amateur radio began in 2018 when I purchased my first handheld radio (Baofeng UV-5R). In hindsight, I did not understand what it was, I just found the radio to be “cool” and made an impulse purchase.

In 2018, armed with my new handheld radio, I started passively listening to the ham bands. The airwaves were alive with conversations, morse code, and digital signals from VU2FUN and VU2HUB repeaters. I contacted the custodians of these repeaters and was amazed by the friendly and helpful nature of the ham community. I joined the Delhi Amateur Radio Technical Society (DARTS) and started attending their events. These groups provided invaluable support and knowledge, fueling my growing passion for the hobby.

Becoming a Licensed Operator

The path to becoming a licensed amateur radio operator was not without its obstacles. My frequent moves and the global pandemic delayed my plans to take the licensing examination. However, persistence paid off, and in 2020, I finally had the opportunity to sit for the exam.

In January 2021, my efforts were rewarded when I received my official general grade amateur radio operator’s license with the call sign VU3DTU. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in my ham radio journey, opening up possibilities for transmitting, experimenting, and connecting with fellow enthusiasts around the globe.

Going to add more here soon!

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